Sunday, May 01, 2005

Can I borrow your life for a moment?

Well, it's been a sort of harrowing week. I know I should be scared, or worried, or something like that. Frankly, I've been kind of happy. There have been a few more hits on Rav's game, thank you guys a lot for checking it out. I'm tempted to make a permanent spot for the download links on the side of my page, so people can get it whenever they want.

I know, likely, some time this week, I'm probably going to have to visit a doctor. If I don't manage to weasel out of this one, I have a feeling that I'll be coming home with a new prognosis on an already lackluster life. My mother revealed to me this week that there is a rather significant chance that I might have inherited a disease from my dad's side of the family. I'm not going to go into details on what the disease is, with the exception that it would explain a lot of the problems I've been having over the last few months.

On top of that, I've had a sore throat like nothing else this past week. Screw the disease, I hate feeling like I have a hedgehog crammed in between my lungs and stomach. All this sick time, and being home alone has given me time to reflect. Reflect on what it is I'm working towards, and what my future is supposed to be like.

It made me think about those bastards who have it all, and still want more. They're oblivious to the fact that kids kill themselves because they can't live like that. People are actually dying out there because they can't touch something and make it theirs, while other people, seemingly regular people, are allowed to own anything their dear eyes rest on. People included.

I went to see Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy on opening night with some friends. There were supposed to be more, but I ended up third-wheeling with my buddy Jason and his girlfriend Danielle. Oh, and my ex was there, all her friends in tow.

Wow, what an awkward night. And I was sooo damn thirsty, a large pop wasn't even enough to slake my eternal thirst for the carbonated soul of this planet. I ended up driving home in a daze, wondering where I had just been, and why the fuck I had left home, just to be coming home three hours later none the wiser for it. I always make a point that I rarely leave the house if I don't have to, and last night was the perfect example why.

I was tempted to break out the Smirnoff's I had stashed in the basement, and then I thought better of it. There's going to be a darker night to make use of that stuff. Oh, and whoever said that getting drunk makes you more appealing should be drug out and beaten with their own beersteins. Being a fucking moron does not make you cool.

And then there's the angry drunks who will want to fight all five of me to prove that being a drunken retard is actually the hip thing to be. Way to go guys, my faith in societal influence rests well with you.


apples said...

Your past weeks sounds much like my past weeks. I'm well again though and the only diseases I'll be inhereting is a bad heart and cancer from my mum's side of the family. I read your comment on the libras and found you some links. Apparantly men can be libras too - you just have to hate violence, fighting and arguments.

Keep drinking (not the Smirnoff) and the sore throat will go away. I still wake up thinking all the water in my body mysteriously disapperaed during the night but things will change.

Why don't you like going out? Does that just apply to nights or days aswell? When summer comes, there's nothing better than just lying on the lawn all day...

Geoff said...

The lawns in Calgary are brown mats of dried up grass during summer. Not exactly the best bed for laying on.

I'm not such a big fan of going out anytime, because more often than not, I end up "third wheeling" with a couple, or I just end up wasting time.

This morning, alas, I'm finally feeling a bit better. I sound more like dry wheeze this morning, which is an improvement over the sandpaper grinding on pie-sheets that I was yesterday. I'll probably end up getting to the doctors on Wednesday, unless they're booked up. If they are, I'll just stay home and sleep some more... as if 12 hours a night isn't enough.

D. said...

I know what you mean about going out. I don't mind seeing a movie with a few friends, but aside from that...well...meh.

How was the actual movie, though? I plan on seeing it sometime, and the books (or what I've read of them) were swell.

Geoff said...

Well, to be blunt and obvious, the movie was actually nothing like the book. It's like a horrific dream, where you know what it is that you are looking at, but it's all wrong.

If you just like movies, it wasn't a bad movie as far as movies go. But in relation to the book... if it wasn't called Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, there likely wouldn't be a whole lot to tie the two together.

I won't go into details, as I don't like spoiling things (actually, I don't give a fuck, twists and turns are so expected in movies these days that there really is nothing worth going to see), but if you're going to go see it, make sure you're paying less than $10 to see it. It's probably not worth much more.