Monday, May 23, 2005


I went sleepwalking last night. Nobody was at home, so naturally, when I'm doing embarassing things, I tend to get luck. Well, I went to sleep in my bed, and I woke up several times during the night in different parts of the house. I woke up once on the sofa in the basement, I woke up once on the chair in my room, halfway through an attempt to fit a pair of jeans over my head like a shirt (they were clean). I also woke up upon opening the front door, the blast of cold air coming in woke me up with a start. I ended up closing the door on my bedroom to halt any more midnight adventures.

I rarely ever sleepwalk, and then, only when I fall asleep when there is no one home. I've been known to do strange things in my sleep (aside from dreaming). I've been known to recite poetry in French, knock sense into invisible foes, and last but not least, hold intelligent conversation with someone while actually not even being awake. If I could master the arts of action while sleeping, I could go through life resting at a whim and never being worse for it.


apples said...

I have tried to comment on your Sore Feet post like nine times now, at first the page wouldn't open now it just shows black every time. So I gave up.

As for sleepwalking, I can't say I ever do that. That I know of anyway. I've been told I talk when I sleep, making enough sense for people to think I'm actually awake. I've also been told I lie perfectly still without moving but I find that hard to believe... There are only my teddy bears who see me when I sleep, and they don't say much.

"She had fallen asleep the way small children do, with their little fists clenched, thinking they're going to heaven and they're floating on clouds"
-Gil Courtemance, 'A Sunday at the Pool in Kigali'

Geoff said...

Yeah, I made the mistake of posting just prior to some downtime. My poor blog always goes wonky during downtime.

I've been told that I lie really still too, but I tend to fidgit or coil myself into contorted positions when I sleep. It's wierd, I know... I tend to creep people out when the see me curled up on a chair that would normally fit one person, and uncomfortably at that.

I sleep lightly, which has been a blessing when I'm asleep at parties. I've already caught and disarmed a person trying to paint me a thicker stubble than the one I already have.

I guess you could say that I don't sleep the way a small child does, but rather as a troubled boy who clings to sleep like he clings to air, both growing thinner by the day.

apples said...

I tend to spread out in strange ways, one leg out in front of me, the other bent backwards. Or both of them pulled up to my chin. Or one up and the other down. Stretched out as far as it goes.

When I can't sleep, I put the pillow where my feet are supposed to be and turn the duvet upside down. If you can't sleep, just change something, anything, and it's like going to bed again, starting over.


I love sleeping. And my duvet.