Thursday, May 12, 2005

The Pencil, Ultimate Weapon

I've been in a flurry of pencil activity, and I thought that I would mention that my handwritten novel is almost done. I've also take up sketching again (something I only do when I'm in a mental state somewhere below nominal). It's incredibly difficult for me, since my hands shake something terrible. I have to draw every line at least three times, and even then, everything looks odd and shaky.

Someone once said that I draw how I look, awkward and disturbing.

1 comment:

apples said...

Well let's see some!

I can't draw. At all. The only thing I can draw is stick people. Circle, line, two lines at the bottom and one across. And maybe another one if it's guy.

I drew a stick-me a while ago to put on my blog... I don't think anyone recognized me...