Saturday, May 28, 2005


I still can't sleep. So instead, I decided I would go though all my old photos, and try posting some of the better ones. This is one from the Okotoks Erratics. It's a big stone that was deposited out on the praries by a glacier, hundreds of thousands of years ago. It's already broken down into two rocks, and in a few thousand years, it'll probably be just a pile of rubble.

I really like this picture. I'm still waiting for some random jerk to leap out of the woodwork and tell me that it's not mine, that I ripped it out of a textbook. Well, I didn't. I shot this one way back in March, when it was unseasonably warm. It's a perfect shot, everything turned out, despite how windy it was that day. I'm just glad I didn't catch the dorks who were clambering up the backside of the Erratic when I shot this picture (the erratic is protected by laws, no touchy).

I would like to go back out there some time this summer. It's less than an hour's drive from where I live, although ironically, it's a three hour drive home from there. I doubt there'll be a chance to though, too much work, and despite my desire to go, there are other commitments that demand more immediate attention.


apples said...


That really is beautiful. I take pictures all the time, they just never look right anymore.

The colour of the sky is absolutely amazing...

apples said...

I can't stand it anymore, I have to ask;

that picture, those eyes, are they your eyes or are they somebody else's eyes? did you do that?

I always spend a few seconds looking at that picture before I click whatever it is I want to click and I just gotta know what it is!

sorry for the double comment...

Geoff said...

Yeah, it's my eyes. I took a photo of myself, dropped it to black and white, and then gave it a Diffuse Glow. I know, I'm a filter whore, but I got the desired effect. People always said I had a piercing gaze, one of the reasons I don't like making eye contact, it unnerves people.