Monday, May 09, 2005

Come in Pot, this is the most charred and retarded Kettle ever

When someone makes a blog to critisize how boring other people's blogs are, you know the world has allowed a new and asinine form of hypocracy to form. I know I had my Blogosphere Down entry last month, but that was tongue in cheek. I understand that blogs are unique to their writers, and they are, in fact, a reflection of their writers.

When someone makes a blog, generally, its to outpour what is in their minds, into a coherent (or close to) and written form. It's relaxing.

Nobody said blogs had to be entertaining. Expecting them to be so, is desiring the flying pony to secrete beer from its every pore, while it simultaneously flies you from locale to locale.

Blogs are indeed a flying pony, because they take you to places that are otherwise out of reach. The thought process', or in some cases, the thought storms that take place inside of people's heads.

Making an argument designed to critisize "boring" blogs sounds like little more than an attempt at self-gratification at the expense of other writers.

J, you should be ashamed of yourself.

Edit: Despite my scathing treatment, J is still one of my friends, so I would appreciate it if you (the readers)could all exercise polite restraint, if you decide to post a comment on his site.

1 comment:

D. said...

VERY well said, thank you.