Monday, May 23, 2005

No words to describe

Mistakes are a human piece of life. All people make them, and yet many people feel compelled that mistakes should not be forgiven, that whoever fails once should never be given a second chance.

In essence, it's a matter of welcoming those back with either open arms or a closed door.

My love came back to me, and it would have been callous and blackhearted if she had found nothing but a closed door and hard feelings. She made a mistake, and she has learned from it. It's now water under the bridge as far as I'm concerned. I've heard from many of my friends, that I should just shut my ears and move on, but this love is not like the shallow bunking that my peers lust after. When everyone else just talked and fucked, my love and I connected on all the right levels, and we were happy together. Nobody can compare what we shared together, and come hell or high water, there will never be a time when it is more true than it is now.


Ravuya said...

If you're happy, then more power to you, man. Sometimes the best things take time to develop.

People are bad at waiting.

Does that mean I'll be seeing you at the grad banquet after all, or no?

Geoff said...

Probably not. She's going with Tim, who never got involved in the messy stuff. I wouldn't be able to go, and not make a scene, so I'll just sit this one out. Sorry.