Monday, May 16, 2005

Summer Sledgehammer

The weather's changing. I can feel it in the slow, aching throb in my sinuses. A built in barometer, if you will, which seems to be innate in people living on the foothills. It's actually a bit more than a throb at this point. As stated in the title, it feels more like I got socked in the face with a Sledgehammer. I can hardly see out of my left eye (it's okay, I don't use that one anyway), and everything seems to be painfully bright. It's like a migraine, except it happens whenever the pressure, and thus the weather, changes.

Add on top of that the 20ÂșC temperatures we hit today, coupled with a humidex warning... the evening is sweltering. I'm sitting in shorts, with no socks. I feel like I should be sweating, but its so humid that I feel like I don't even have to blink. The sky is darkening outside with clouds, but I doubt we'll get much rain from them. Calgary is a desert in denial. It's been dry for almost four years, but everyone's still too stubborn to realize that they've built a metropolis on a centennial desert.

My job interview went well, or so I hope. I think I passed myself off as something servicable, and I only hope that my would-be employers agree. They won't regret it if they do.

If they turn me down, that just leaves me time to draw more twisted sketches.

Everything's fine. Everything's good for everyone. Lies, it's all lies.


apples said...

You should come to Bergen. It's officially the rainiest city on earth. It rains for a while every day, unless something freaky happens and we have a week or two without a cloud, like a month ago. This morning the mountains were white and yesterday I got hailed on. Would have been today aswell if I hadn't been on the bus.

The secretary of the 'children and familes' part of the government held one of the speeches yesterday and she said that in the west of Norway we have weather. In the east they just have climate. It's true. There's a lot of weather in Bergen.

Hope you get that job! Even if it means you won't draw for us :)
What kinda job is it?

Geoff said...

I got caught out in the rain, yesterday.

I was out shooting pictures, and there was no warning. Two drops and then bam. Soaked.

I wouldn't mind visiting Bergen, sometime in the near future. Problem is, money and travel are inversly proportional to each other, and I still have a year of school left, starting in the fall.

I'll continue drawing, and writing, and complaining. The three constants in my life. Don't worry.