Thursday, May 05, 2005

9th and Curb

9th Avenue, in the downtown core. This is perhaps the coolest building ever. I've always wanted to take pictures of urban buildings. Especially the glass ones, during moody days. People wonder why, but I already know. These glass behemoths will be around long after humankind has left, and I want to get the architecture in its glory days.

I know I promised pictures of the thunderstorm yesterday, and I'll get them up eventually. Upon processing, I realized that about half my good ones were blurry because of my overly shaky hands.


D. said...

I've always liked the way those all glass ones look. Especially when driving or walking right by them. You can't help but notice how incredible they look.

Mad Housewife said...

That is a beautiful building. Everything reflects off of it, like creating a little city in the wall of glass.