Saturday, May 07, 2005


The social definition of insanity is when one no longer conforms to accepted societal norms and behaviours. In essence, the rebellious teenager stage is a temporary madness (actually, it's an excuse). But what happens when a grown person starts behaving strangely? Perhaps walking down the street, telling everyone that the end of the world is coming, and that the blood of innocents is on their hands.

I myself have often been accused of being off the kilter. I don't see a problem with that, despite that being accused still bugs me. I figure, the whole goddamned world has gone mad, so what's all the fuss about my social awkwardness?

I find it funny, and at least slightly ironic, that we still have to abide by an unspoken social code, when said social code is absolute rubbish and bullshit to begin with. Why are we abiding by it? Who knows. I guess it's wired down from our governments and our neighbors that we should:

Not speak unless spoken to.
Not make eye contact.
Not stop for help.
Not share our property.
Not walk outside after dark. (We all might be criminals, you know)

Always seize an opportunity.
Always serve ourselves before our others.
Always drive 10 km/h faster than the speed limit.
Always be suspicious of police.
Always be suspicious of lawyers.
Always be suspicious of doctors, dentists, and other medical professionals.
Always default to guarded suspicion rather than open honesty.
Always shoot the messenger.
Always kick the messenger after shooting him.
Always judge people by the music they listen to.
Always judge people by the clothes they wear.
Always judge people by the money the have.
Always shoot from the hip, and jerk the knee.
Always raise your voice when you have an inane point to make.

Never discern between a good and bad business agreement.
Never discern between right and wrong if there's money involved.
Never look at the government, unless the government is looking at you.

If the Nazi's took power today, half the population would support them, and the other half would be so busy accusing each other of being Nazi spies, that the world would burn under the Swastika before we got anywhere.

I feel profound guilt and unrest over this. Having spoken to veterans who fought for us, and would have died for us... This, this is the legacy that they fought for, and some died for.

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