Thursday, May 12, 2005

Something Wrong

My nation is falling apart.

There, I said it. With as much patriotic fervour as I can muster, I still have to say that everything here is a mess. The Federal government is in the throws of a childish tug of war, with partisanship tearing the Canadian people apart. In typical Canadian fashion, the House of Commons has become a tiny, bloodless civil war. The representatives are behaving like children, but I cannot blame them. In a country where maturity is as rare as wisdom, they are merely acting on the wishes of their constituents, namely: "ME ME ME."

It brings me a most twisted form of dolor, to have to listen to the filth that our government system is creating. We have elected representatives, who are even now, failing to do their job, and are bringing the already unstable government to a grinding halt. All parties, every last one of them. Every last member of parliament, every last civil servant in the House has failed to uphold the one overriding rule that has governed our nation's politics since this nation's creation:

"Peace, Order, and Good Government."

Even now, the provincial governments are getting caught up in this maelstrom of bullshit and name calling.

I've been trying to ignore whats going on with this system, and I would be marginally successful if I was like 90% of the people my age, namely drunk, apathetic, and self-centred. Unfortunately, I have failed at being a failure of a human being, and now find myself mourning for the loss of a seemingly good system. Whether or not our system was a true democracy is moot. The system worked, and we were free to live. Now, I can forsee election after election, minority after minority. The bickering in the House will not cease as long as there is such pettiness.

1 comment:

apples said...

Maybe you should move south?

I honestly can't say I know anything about Canadian politics... We luckily don't have any name calling and stuff yet but the elections are coming up so they'll turn up the heat soon. I'm just glad we have a king and not a president. But then you don't have either.

As for the 90% of people our age, I've wondered about joining the club but the thought makes me sick. Try discussing something serious and most people just change the subject.

Empty eyes.