Thursday, August 25, 2005

Wake Up, Mr. Zacharin

So I was out pretty late last night, and the weather was more than miserable. Wet, cold, dark. Couldn't see a damn thing through the windshield.

So, now I've been asleep for 10 hours, and just rolled out of bed. Not a cloud in the sky. The sun is still a little subdued in the cool air, but it looks like it was never raining to begin with. I had to check, just how long had I been asleep? Am I sure that I haven't been asleep for a day and 10 hours?

No, the date is correct. There is no evidence of the misery that was dropped upon us for the last few days. Not even a cloud.

It's so odd, but around here, I'm hardly surprised. The weather is about as predictable as the people, which means that you can predict that it won't be predictable at all. That's normal.

And I dreamt that I was locked in a tower.

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