Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Space between my Ears

So, I didn't get to jam today. To be frank, even touching that guitar is better than any intimate things I've enjoyed in life thus far. The power and noise I'm able to put out with that thing amazes even me, and it's all the fun without the mess.

Well, and on to my day. I feel stupid. I came home, and I just couldn't put a thought through my brain that didn't die halfway. I swear, my experiences today actually made me dumber than when I woke up this morning. Can someone please pull me out of this funk? Please? Anyone? Some kind of mental stimulation, if you please.

As an added update to not one, but two previous rants, Discovery touched down today in California, and appeared to be in better condition than anyone originally thought. That's a load off all of our collective minds. Now, back to the drawing boards, NASA.

Rainy, grey, damp, cold. That's the weather. I feel like a potato left in a well too long. Please excuse me while I go to try and warm up in a frigid blanket while the temperature drops in here.

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