Sunday, August 07, 2005


So, it seems it's been a pretty bad week for all of us. Scratch that. We'll make this the week that never should have happened. I'd be inclined to rant about my bad week, but it seems pretty trite of me to rant about little things, when there are things being stolen and there are people bleeding and suffering out there.

It's not fair.

"But Life's not fair. Deal with it," or so I've been told. It's funny, how whenever that comes out of someone's mouth, they really have no fucking clue what's going on. As if somehow their personal experiences lessen the impact of life changing events like a car crash, or the sudden death of a family member. As if, going through their own hell, they suddenly don't care about anyone elses. That we're somehow lesser than.

Is that how we should "deal with it?"

On another note, the Shuttle is coming down in a day or two. I'm hoping in one piece, but you never know. The shuttle itself should have never taken off in the first place, now that the engineering history of the craft is made apparent.

I'm surprised that there were no warning bells sounded earlier. Every time NASA has put one of these craft up, they've been showing a farce to the public, that they had confidence in these vehicles. Now, we see, that they were sitting on crossed fingers with every launch, and that every successful return was less a marvel of engineering, and more an act divine intervention.

I'm waiting to see how NASA will "deal with it." Especially on their peanuts budget that Bush keeps handing them.

1 comment:

D. said...

Yeah, I think it has been a real terrible week for many in our little community.

Really sucks.

As for the shuttle, I've been following that, too.
I'm glad they at least admitted that something had to be done in order to improve the chances of a successful re-entry.

I'm not glad that NASA still finds it necessary to send people into space riding in a tin can wrapped in foam.