Saturday, July 23, 2005

The Valley

This is just a green valley during summer, but during the winter, it's my favorite place to go sledding. Burn the neighborhood parents who say I'm too old to be menacing the sled hills, this is my turf in the winter, and I'll be damned if I just stop because I'm "too old."

In other news, my parents celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary today, courtesy a secret supper planned by my brother. It was pretty fun, although I think my wine glass was filled one too many times. Much stumbling and fumbling results. More debauchery tommorrow, a sort of house party, minus the mess, and the stupidity.

Frankly, I need the relaxation, and I can tell you that I'm not the only one. I'm thinking of about four people right now who deserve a party. You know who you are.

You'd be surprised how well I can work a camera when I'm completely inebriated.


D. said...

I don't think it is possible to be too old for sledding. Anyone who thinks it is is a liar.

Stephanie said...

I haven't sledded...since Canada...

Trevor said...

Sledding is awesome, i havent been though since Junior high on the ole, Blueberry Sled Hill. Good times