Thursday, July 07, 2005

Storms Follow

I was in Strathmore today, and during a thunderstorm, I saw this. Any tornado enthusiasts will immediately know what this is. This is the second time I've journeyed out to Strathmore, and brought turbulent weather with me. Seeing it this close was like seeing Terror himself, walking towards you. It was a minor funnel-cloud, but respect is due for even the meekest of things, since even the tiniest squall could spell death for the unwary.

I realized that I'm too young to worry about emotional trivia. While everyone else is out partying and fooling around, I was witness to this. Something that would pass everyone over, and, given the right conditions, kill them, was there, hovering less than a kilometre in front of me.

On top of that, it gave me a new idea for a character to write about. A person who lives in such turmoil and upset that the world around him changes to reflect his outlook. When he is upset, black storms form, and the sky turns dark. This is how I felt today, minus the upset part.

1 comment:

Geoff said...

It was indeed the start of the tornado. I have pictures of the trailing edge of it, where all the rotation and updraft was visible, but it's grey cloud on grey cloud, so it's hard to see on a computer monitor.