Monday, July 18, 2005

Metal burrs under the eyelids

I'm annoyed. Just thought I would share that. I woke up, and wasn't in the greatest of moods, and going to work just seemed to bring out the worst of my already bad start. They put my camera table back up, which unto itself is a great thing. I love working the table and telling people about cameras... when they come to learn. I can't tolerate people who come out shopping ad ignoramus and don't even know what they're looking for. I'm not such a callous salesman that I would tell people what they want. They have to decide that for themselves, and coming prepared makes my job much easier.

Anyway, back to task here. My table is out. I promised my manager that I would try my hardest to keep an eye on the cameras (as everyone can't read, and the cameras have a habit of walking away with potential shoppers). Everything was good, and I stopped three would-be camera jackers, when disaster struck. Amidst my third break for the day, one of the cameras was spirited away. I didn't notice until later in the day, partly due to the fact that one of my co-workers was being a complete ass and periodically demolished my table while I was trying to audit the remaining stock.

Nothing like watching grown people act like retarded children again.

Rant over, I need something big to fire, and something that shatters nicely to hit.

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