Wednesday, July 20, 2005

At Last

The weather fell apart today. Tornado watches to the south and east of home today, and the storms made sure we knew who to fear. It felt alright, watching the sky turn into a maelstrom. It was just the fireworks I needed to celebrate my two days off, starting tommorrow. Right now, I'm just listening to the rain fall. Soothing, to say the least. I was going to rant about work again, but it's not worth the words writing it. Today was actually a fairly good day, sold quite a few cameras, made some people happy, got to go home on time. Can't complain today, really.

I'm hitting the town later tommorrow. My tether's off, and the city is mine for a day. My camera memory cards are empty, the batteries are charged, and my shutter finger is itchy.

Carpe Diem.


apples said...

We were supposed to get heavy thunder and lightning yesterday, but it all it in the south and east (not here in the west) plus areas of Sweden and Denmark. We never see 'real' weather here, just rain and clouds. I thought the sky was blue today, it looked blue from my window, but when I get up I see creepy brown-greyish clouds all over and the mountains are covered in fog. Weird weather day.

How long does your camera battery last? I've got a Canon thing that stops working almost immedeatly. Sucks when I go somewhere cuz I see something I want to get a picture of but I know if I do there will be lots of other things I won't get because the battery's already dead. Just wondering how long these things usually last.

Geoff said...

My camera's batteries usually last two or three weeks between charges. It's a Canon Digital Rebel, which is very efficient with power (ie. it's mostly mechanical, and doesn't preview through the LCD). I initially had problems with battery life when using my flash, so I picked up a spare battery. They aren't cheap, but it's a lifesaver having a spare on hand when you run out of juice.

Oh, and brown clouds = intense weather. It looks like it just missed you apples, if you could see the clouds. If the sky turns green on you, I recommend either seeking cover, or breaking the camera out. ;)