Sunday, July 17, 2005

Auditory Abuse

Work was hell today. There's no more poetic way to say it. I actually worked a half-hour earlier than I thought, which cut me out of an extra half-hour of sleep. Seconds passed like millennia, I remember today, looking at my watch, and having to shake my head. The seconds seemed like they were going backwards, that I was actually progressing through the day backwards. As is customary on weekends, I was harangued by customers who either couldn't understand what "out of stock" means, or can't quite grasp the concept of how a warehouse works (ie. You come, you buy, you take home. We don't do retail, we don't deliver).

When my time to go finally rolled around, I left a few minutes early. Anything to get home, hit the shower, and just relax. I finally got some samples of Skinny Puppy and Nine Inch Nails. Where most of what I listen to tightropes the fine line between sanity and insanity, NiN and Skinny Puppy take the headfirst plunge into gonzo, way-left-field fucked up. And I like it.

I'll probably be hopping down to the mall sometime this week to pick up the Jakalope CD('s). I know, it's girly, but take dark genetic themes and mingle them with super-hot Katie B, and you've got yourself a deal. S, if you haven't checked your music sources yet, let me know, so I can discern whether I need to get you a copy too.

It's going to be a good autumn for music. Sam Roberts and Matthew Good are both releasing new CD's.


Stephanie said...

I can get it on iTunes, which is perfect since I would have just stuck the CD onto my computer anyway. But I still thank you for your generous offer. :)

Ravuya said...

Skinny Puppy + Funker Vogt is success.

Trevor said...

Insane man, i hate those days...

Sam Roberts is releasing a new disc?, right on. What gets me more excited though is Matt's new disc, July 25th people "Oh Be Joyful" hits the radio, for some reason i am getting pretty psyched to hear it. WLRRR was awesome, i only see greatness from there.