Saturday, October 01, 2005

I'll be in my Room

Fall is here. The leaves have started changing, and it's looking pretty good outside.

I haven't really had time to notice until now, but I guess it was good timing on my part. I finally have some free time, and I wanted to spend it with my friends here in town.

No dice. The inconvenience of coming to my house for free pool, unlimited booze, and a bed to sleep in was just too great.

On top of that, the rhetoric continue to pile up from some of my select friends about making time, a phrase, which as of now, is officially a pet peeve of mine. Because anyone who says it, will likely follow the phrase by some asinine bitching about how busy they are.

I'd rant about the hypocracy, the double-talking, and the empty promises, but it's all old news at this point.

I'll be in my room, if anybody's looking for me.
Remember to bundle up too, guys. It's looking like there's a chance for bullshit today, with scattered fragments of faith and imagination.

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