Thursday, October 27, 2005

A Mask

The earphones are a wall to keep you out of my head.
I can hear the music playing, even when they're not around.

These glasses are a mask to hide the evil me.
I don't want you. I want to consume you.

This hoody is armour from the outside world.
Hard words are cushioned by the black warps around me.

This ring is a collar wrapped around my neck.
I have since been parted with it. May it strangle someone deserving.

These shoes are the sound of silence on rock.
Those who fear the silence, fear me.

The pen is a weapon, meant to crush your doubt.
Ignorance and apathy are armors too thick to crack.

The erasor is a bandage, to help me forget.
I can't forget, but I can be forgotten.

These keys are doors, into the places I've went.
The darkness and light that I've seen, the hearts I've felt. The worlds I've broken.

1 comment:

apples said...

You've broken worlds??