Monday, October 17, 2005

Urban Lego

More pictures for the masses. I'm sure some of you are starting to think this is pretty boring. I mean, it's like all I can take pictures of are buildings, shrubs, guitars, and my own mug.

Oh well. I'm not planning on changing that anytime soon, so you'll all just have to bear with my buildings, my macro'd shrubs, my guitar, and... well, no. I'm pretty much done with the pictures of myself.

Need to survive until Thursday.

Do we even know her anymore?

1 comment:

Trevor said...

Tiring? No way, as an avid photographer myself I really enjoy the whole landscape gig, cities, countrysides, skies whatever. Every person has there own unique style/eye for stuff and being able to capture that and have it all come together beautifully is an awesome thing to behold.