Friday, October 28, 2005

A little note to myself

Remember self, if you go to the pop machine, and you have change but not your wallet, you aren't getting back into your room.

Embarassing. Thank god it wasn't the usual morning people I see at the front desk. That would be pretty awkward.

My internet is driving me nuts. It's like they have wireless internet out here, but it stops working, if the goddamned gerbil gets tired.

I would like to thank the Chinooks Edge school district for my dinner tonight. Thank you, you've prevented another poor student from starving this day.

Also, I would like to direct everyone with Realplayer installed on their computer, back over to Intairnet. Play the music video for Surfing on a Rocket. You won't regret it.

Also of note. When staying for prolonged periods in a hotel, bring guitar. Couples will want sex all night, and the only method of retaliation a single man has is some kind of brutal sonic assault.


apples said...

That muscle guy had a really tiny head...

Geoff said...

But you weren't staring at his head, were you? ;)