Thursday, September 15, 2005

Power-Lines Launched

For those of you who have been itching for my comments on current events, and have found my blog to be devoid of it, as a desert is devoid of water, rejoice. Today, Power-Lines has been launched, and it will be my repository for all news related commentary. I'm required to create a new blog for school, but I don't think they quite realize what monster they're letting out of the box.

From this point on, T-storm will be a largely personal database, for your entertainment, rather than your enlightenment. Just as church and state should be seperated, so too shall my work and my play. I will be linking Power-Lines on the right once I'm done cleaning up the template, and adding some content to read, so sit tight.


E said...

Cannot wait!!

Geoff said...

It's up and running. I just need to find the time to update it every now and again.