Sunday, September 25, 2005

And so, still alive, I cling


What a week.

I'm still alive, barely. Somewhere between Martini night and total despair, I think I've found something. Some hole in the stress to curl up in, between shifts of stomach-wrenching anxiety, and the sickening smoothness that I pass through with.

The illness seems to have subsided to the odd case of wheezing, and the occassional bout of dry hacking. The doc said that's normal.

I know normal. Four hours of sleep a night, dying attention span, the desire to relentlessly play guitar, and the constant hunger but never eating; this is not normal.

So why then, am I having so much fun?


Geoff said...

No. No blood, not really much of anything. It's just aggravated, I think.

apples said...

You have the most fun when you least expect it.

I wouldn't know a thing about attention span; I spend three hours studying and realize I've read 15 pages. Last week it was 5 hours and 10 pages. At least I'm doing better...