Friday, September 16, 2005

Caffeine Addict Invictus

Ever find yourself on that 20th cup of coffee?

I never have, simply because that much caffeine would kill me about four times over. Hell, one cup of coffee is enough to cause me to shake life a leaf.

And yet there are people who consume caffeine products by the gallon. How do you justify this kind of addiction? It's kind of like smoking, sans the black lungs. Someone I know just hit their 10th cup of coffee today, so to demonstrate the effects of that much caffeine, I drew them a little diagram.


That's about right.

Edit: Fack this JPEG shit. Blogger better start supporting PNG's ASAP or I'm going to be going AFFAB.


D. said...

coffee is gross.

I drink pop though. Sometimes too much. As I've said before it doesn't really seem to change me in anyway.

Been trying to cut back, though. But it can be tough.

I think caffeine really is an addiction.

Although I mostly drink it just because it's so available to me. No other reason.

Oh well, better than smoking, it seems.

apples said...

I don't drink coffee, I drink tea. Sometimes. Just makes me need to pee all the time...

Stephanie said...

I am addicted to chocolate.
I start experiencing very strange symptoms when I've gone without.