Thursday, September 01, 2005

In the Name of Humankind

Things are bad over in New Orleans right now. Reports are coming in, the Superdome is a mess. A rescue by a helecopter was aborted after somebody shot at the helecopter. Looting is rampant, both police and military personnelle have been shot, and fires are breaking out. One does not need to look hard to find out just how bad it is there.

Law has broken down, and I'm surprised at just how easy it was for civilization to fail in the bosom of a nation that touts itself as one of the most civilized in the world. Where were the citizens banding together to save their beloved city? Gone, they fled the terror of Katrina. The only people left in the city are those who hate each other, and hate the city. And those who were sent to re-establish law, and rebuild the city. It's like a modern Lord of the Flies, as Interdictor put it in his LiveJournal dedicated to surviving in New Orleans. Bush has pledged a massive relief effort to Louisiana and the other states affected by Katrina's passing, but it is unlikely that New Orleans will ever be the same, if it even survives this blow. This wasn't just a natural disaster. It was a failing of the spirits of men and women.

When the martial prescence in New Orleans finally equals that of the looters and thugs, I can expect many parallels to be drawn between this city, and Baghdad, Iraq.

Edit: Credit should be given where it was due. Interdictor was discovered by my friend Ravuya. He's linked on the side, if you're interested in Computer Sciences, or a stiff political debate, feel free to visit his sites.


E said...

Hey Raine,

I just put this link on The Haggis. Thanks for putting it up; it's unbelievable stuff.

You will also be pleased to know that you have replaced Wonkette on my list of permanent links. :)


Geoff said...


Thank you E.

apples said...

I've always wanted to go to New Orleans... Didn't remember until I saw 'Superdome' in blue here that I did a presentation about the city in English class a few years ago.

"We found a young girl raped and killed in the bathroom," one National Guard soldier told Reuters. "Then the crowd got the man and they beat him to death."

Man this is messed up...

Geoff said...

I'm just glad they've finally got it clean up. They bused the last of the Superdome refugees out this morning.

Stephanie said...

...and I'm surprised at just how easy it was for civilization to fail in the bosom of a nation that touts itself as one of the most civilized in the world. Where were the citizens banding together to save their beloved city? ...This wasn't just a natural disaster. It was a failing of the spirits of men and women.


Geoff said...

You know I'm right. ;)

It's not often that I get to throw rhetoric around like that. C'mon, let me off the hook this time.