Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Lips are moving, but making no sense

Sorry ladies, no picture yet. I'll get right on that.

I made the deadlines for the paper. Now I just have to get all my assignments in... today, and I should be home free. Still sick, not that that's a surprise, but I'm going for a swim today. Hopefully the chlorine and whatever other godawful chemicals they use will help to clear me up.

I haven't been sleeping well the last few days. Again, not a surprise. Generally, when things start piling up and the stress starts, its natural to lose a few hours of sleep. Well, okay, I've lost more than just a few. Not that anyone around here (where I am) cares. As long as I look normal, and keep smiling, everybody assumes I'm okay. I wouldn't really want to bother them with my stuff anyway. They can't really help much, and more often than not, they'd think I'm just complaining to hear myself speak.

I just sneezed. Not pretty.


apples said...

Do I need to send you some tissues?

You're staying sick for quite a while here... drugs don't work? Anything more than a cold?

I was getting a cold but my throat cleared up and I got rid of it before I got a chance to become sick. Hope it doesn't come back.

Geoff said...

Apples: I haven't taken any drugs for a few days now. There's a point where you just have to let the body do its thing. Unfortunately, my cold seems to be a tenacious strain, and up until about today, it refused to clear. I think I should be alright now though.

Jon: One day is too long, but alas, viral infections are so much harder to kill than bacterial ones.