Wednesday, March 08, 2006


There are things that are fresh and are best enjoyed fresh in this world.

Fear shouldn't be one of them.


D. said...

Fear is incredible though.

Geoff said...

Try it in something other than a cinematic experience, and then we'll talk.

Trevor said...

I think this counts? No

Geoff said...


My apologies. And yet you still think fear is incredible?

D. said...


Mind you, I didn't exactly say I like it, did I?

It's just incredible... it's poweful, is all I meant.

It can change you, it can motivate you, it can do a whole lot to you...and to me, that's pretty incredible.

D. said...

Also, to think the only fear I've encountered in my 22 years on this earth has been strictly from movies is a bit weak minded on your part.

Just for the record. Not that I really care, but come on

Stephanie said...

It really is incredible.

Fear of certain things makes me a little crazy. Crazy as in raging lunaticish. In the moment I hate myself because I KNOW I am being really dumb, but in hindsight it kinda cracks me up.

Geoff said...

Crazy as in raging lunaticish

This is what I was talking about. Fear is terrifying. Obviously.

D, you do care, otherwise you wouldn't have brought it up. Yes, it was weak minded on my part. I was at the edge of my sanity, with no-one in a hundred miles to talk me down.

So, please forgive me if I snapped a bit.