Sunday, January 29, 2006

Skies on Fire

The skies were afire last night in a strange sunset. It was warm enough that I could go outside in my bare feet and take pictures of it. Strange, how I remember a couple years back, at this time of year exactly, the weatherman was saying that any exposed flesh would freeze within five minutes out in the open air.

I've come to love photography, and albeit, a lot of the pictures I throw up here are heavily photoshopped, it doesn't diminish the fact that pictures can say some things that words just can't.

Still, it's strange. That I'm photographing anomalies that have never happened here before. It's not supposed to be like this. It's supposed to be cold and snowy. The skies are supposed to be slate gray, and the wind is supposed to be cold and from the north.

And I'm supposed to be a writer, not a photographer.

1 comment:

E said...

Awesome photos. Methinks you are indeed a photographer!