Saturday, January 07, 2006

Particle Theory

A mix of boredom and impending illness inspired me to set my camera up next to the pool table and see what kind of shots I could get. They might look good here, but let me tell you, the lights in my basement are terrible, my best efforts couldn't correct all of the colour casting in the picture.

But anyway, less prattle, more pictoral.

If these were neutrons and protons, I'd be thoroughly irradiated right now. Highly amusing for some, highly disturbing for others.

Just think. Every time you take a hit of helium, you're actually inhaling low energy alpha particles that would, under the right circumstances, burn you and give the worst case of skin cancer you've ever seen.

Sick indeed. I think I'm coming down with the flu. I will be in touch when I recover.


Stephanie said...

I want a pool table. But only because I want to learn how to play and not have to go out and embarass the hell out of myself doing it in public.

Trevor said...

Is suck at pool so I tend to stay away… far away. Nice picture by the way.

D. said...

Yeah, I'm not a big fan of pool either. It's not something I even feel the need to get good at.

Unless it's monkey Billiards in super monkey ball. Fuck yeah.

Stephanie said...

Monkey Billiards? I WANT TO PLAY!!

Many an hour is spent shooting pool at home (Oregon), and I've always just stood on the sidelines and laughed quietly to myself when someone managed to shoot a ball OFF the table, or when two people got overly competitive.

I tried once or twice, but I couldn't seem to move the stick right. EVEN WITH a guide thing, so don't suggest it.

But it'd be nice to be able to join in on occasion and actually move a ball.

PLUS, my mom has all of these hot photos of herself playing pool when she was about my age, and I'd love to emulate them. And then DISTORT the images. hehehe (okay, so that was all slight BS)

E said...

Hope you feel better!