Saturday, June 25, 2005

There were times

I don't have a lot to say today. I'm pretty tired, and I have another long shift of work tommorrow. I was reading through some people's MSN spaces, and thought better of ever doing that again. It's not a happy place in that neck of the interweb. The combination of angry, sad people, and Microsoft's active censorship makes for a very dark, if subdued, read. Two things that negate each other.

I don't have any new pictures to share yet, but I'll probably be going out Tuesday or Wednesday to survey the flood damage near to my house. Should be some interesting shots out of that. There's been a total change in mindset with many people here. We had a little thundershower roll through this area today, and the moment the rain started to fall, people got all stone-faced and bitter. Some were downright rude... but I guess that happens no matter what. People just can't stand each other...

Or maybe they just can't stand me. We'll see when I go back to work tommorrow.

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