Thursday, June 09, 2005

My poor car

This is my car. It's an '85 Honda Accord, brown, with brown interior. The poor thing has come to grief, with it's aging transmission finally giving out. I'm now faced with a choice. The car is currently the property of my dad, and if I finance the repairs, the car will become my property. I need a car, and I learned how to drive in this little beast. Not only that, I grew up in this car, and I would rather it had a second chance, rather than being relegated to the scrap heap.

It's neither the fastest, nor the coolest, nor the sleekest. It does have a sunroof however, and pending the repairs, it will be able to go from point A to point B. Something many faster cars have trouble with, what with their nasty habit of running into each other on the highways.

End repairs will probably cost between $1200 and $2000. I can't get a new transmission, so my choices are a used one, or a rebuilt one. Neither one sounds very reliable. Maybe I'll just strip the engine out, and have pedals and a scrape rudder on the back.


D. said...

I always hear those cars last forever. Is this the first major issue it has had? Transmissions are a pain in the ass, that I know.

You are dead right though, getting from point A to point B is all you need, I've learned that in my search for a new, affordable and fuel efficient car.

$2000 is kind of steep, though.

Opspin said...

Get a cool bike like the Windcheetah, I know I will when I can afford it :)

Geoff said...

Turns out that the initial analysis was incorrect. First diagnosis shows that there is nothing wrong with the transmission... which is odd, because the transmission at time of failure was making definite noise and behaving poorly.

So they're ripping it apart, and will let my know by monday what exactly is wrong with it.

Maybe I'll get a horse. They don't have transmissions, and they don't explode when they fall down cliffs.