Monday, June 13, 2005

Roll the Dice on the Weather

I was out taking pictures again today. Mostly of motorcycles, but I managed to get a good look around as well. There's nothing like being out in the park with green grass, bright blue sky, little wisps of clouds, and ominous black thunderheads on the horizon. We weren't even done for an hour, before the clear sky broke in a crack of thunder, and rain poured for about a good hour. Then the sun came out again for a while... unpredicatable. I shouldn't say that, as the weather can be predicted. When there's dark clouds on the horizon, you almost know for sure that it's going to rain. If not here, then somewhere else.

With people, it's not so sure. When there's everything in place for a riot and revolution, the proverbial dark clouds on the horizon, nothing happens. Everything stays decidedly mediocre and stable. Nobody wants change, but nobody wants to stay the same. People kill each other over card games and money, but they give change to a drunk man on the street, because they mistake him for a homeless man. Not only is our malice indiscriminant, but so is our generocity. Maybe it's just to make us feel better, and not to influence the world around us.

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