Tuesday, June 21, 2005

One Revolution Ago

A year ago on this date, I was bored one night and decided to start something that had just started getting popular. I started a Blog, which started off as the humble and generic Thought Storm, based off a basic template with a navy blue background and white and yellow text.

Since that time, my blog has grown and changed, as I have grown and changed. The first changes were simple. Tweaks to the background colours, and some modest links along the sidebar. From there, the stories, ranging equally from my experiences, and my take on media and politics, grew to be more general and more entertaining. The use of pictures came shortly after. The T-storm we know now is a culminative product of the last few months of alterations.

Currently, T-storm is my repository for whimsical commentary, pictures worth sharing, and just general impressions. It is, in a sense, a close and personal look at me, without being overly personal. You can read everything I've written here, as many times as you want, and still only know me by the sketch I create here.

I never expected T-storm to last more than a few months, but now with time and energy, I will continue to keep posting, for at least another year. Pictures have become a regular part, so you may all expect to see at least one up for every five entries. Or so I hope. My original plan for this blog had been one of political commentary and criticism of the media, but currently, bringing both of those topics up would be tanamount to clobbering an otherwise dead and buried horse. We are all aware of Left-Right political shenanigans. We are all aware that the media almost never sticks to its job. You don't need me to beat the topic up any more, unless there's something really drastic that I feel needs to be brought up.

So, in advance; here's to another enjoyable, terrible, entertaining, and otherwise obscure year for T-storm.

Thanks to everyone that posts comments. I'll continue posting, even without comments, but seeing people's reaction to my stuff gives me a small sense of validity (I am, after all, supposed to be a writer.)


D. said...

I really like where you're at right now. I enjoy coming here and seeing your photos as well as whatever it is you have to say. I don't comment a whole lot, mostly becuase I guess I feel I have nothing to add or contribute, but rest assured, I do read.

apples said...

Happy blog year! (assuming that's something...)

I've been reading a bit of your older stuff from time to time. I like how your blog has both changed and stayed the same, I guess that happens to all of us after writing a while; we start understanding how the world of blogs work.

I love reading your stuff though and never miss a post. Except when the net stops working for days ($%£&$%) but then, like now, I always catch up on what I've been missing.

Keep writing. Don't change :)