Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Look now, the Future

Here comes a glimpse of the future;

All this work we've done to build some place for all of us to go, it's a waste. We go to school so we can learn, and become successful later in life. Read that as: become wealthy. Success is wealth, nothing more. So once we have money, what then? We spend a lifetime accumulating wealth, as per the North American Culture, but once we attain that coveted monetary value, what do we do? Our lives are finite, and what good does money do after death? Thousand dollar bills do not pave the way to some golden heaven, where a tycoon can spend money for eternity.

What other legacy do we have to leave behind? What happens when we grow bored of money? Simple, we look for a more exotic currency. Enter, the human life.

There are no words in English to describe the transactions of human lives. We think lives are worth something, but it's so easy for us to spend human lives, especially when we don't have to see the business in action. It's like a debit on human beings. We spend them, but never see the faces of the people we're condemning to death. The legacy we leave is one of money and blood. To the people we're spending, all of our money doesn't mean anything, and thus, our culture doesn't either. Ironic how the very people we destroy don't even acknowledge us as equal to them. It works vice verse, we're more willing to spend that which is different or expendable to us.

So what do those of us do who don't want to accumulate wealth? Try to find a cause to work towards that doesn't involve monetary exchange. Read that as: nothing in North America. We work and live to pass the time until we die. I said it, we don't work towards some bright future, we're just passing the time until our number comes up. Some of us will raise families. Some of us will try to raise families, and fail. Some of us won't bother, because having a faithful relationship is just too much work. Some of us just won't bother because just starting a relationship is too much work.

And the process of spending humans, using war to increase wealth, and exploiting others, will continue regardless of our efforts. In the path of trying to make a future without exploitation and the heedless pursuit of wealth, the numbers of those making a difference, to those struggling to try and keep things the same, is roughly the ratio of white tigers to insects.

Should we keep trying? Absolutely. At the very least, it'll be something to pass the time.

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