Sunday, April 02, 2006


I'm just realizing how badly my poor blog needs a revamp. I've got too much shit and unused space down the right side there, and I'm trying to figure out how to get rid of the double spacing under the blogs and other links. Naturally, nothing co-operates, because HTML is designed to be the least direct means of making a computer do what you want it to.

More work to do on it tommorrow. I'm also hoping to throw in a background, or something... We'll have a look-see of what needs to be done tommorrow.

For now, I need sleep.


Fuck yeah. Cleaner than a whistle. I think some credit should go to D. He unwittingly helped me by having super-tight code on his blog, which I read and implemented on mine. Hats off to you.

Oh, and to Trevor too. A project like Nintopia seriously takes some balls and backbone on your guys' part. 'Gratz.

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