Friday, April 28, 2006

Wii Might have a Problem

You guys have got to see this.

For a second, I thought Wii was just the new subtitle for Nintendo's Wireless network integration, but alas, it's the official name for the Revolution.

Oh boy.


D. said...

I did my little write up on Nintopia.

And I like it. I'll just say that. Every single website on the internet is up in arms though, it's hilarious.

It'll die down and people will accept it. They always do.

Stephanie said...

I also like it. It's clever in more ways than one.


The general population is too damned dense to get past the way it sounds/looks.

Superficial pieces of shit.

PS I am mostly joking.

Geoff said...

Well, Tim Buckley over at Crtl-Alt-Del made an interesting point about the name. "Google" isn't anything either, it's a brilliant way of taking a word that has no meaning and creating one.

Interesting... most of all because Nintendo just got all the media and blog coverage they could ever want... for free.

apples said...

there's a juice called Naked?!