Saturday, December 31, 2005

2005, Tucked into the Annals of History

I did an entry like this a year ago, only it was 2004. I never mean to sound prophetic, but a lot of what I thought would happen ended up coming to pass. I'm hoping the world has seen the worst of it though. Because if this is the worst, then we'll survive.

Looking back on this year, as trite as it sounds, it just makes me want to never look back on this year again. But I probably will, because even amidst the horror, there's been some lessons learned, and even amongst the most terrible outcomes, there were good things that happened. I've made some new friends this year, and I've let some old ones go. That's the way of time.

I've given up some old habits, and I've taken up some new ones. Playing the guitar being the most addicting one right at the moment, but that's just me. I've found myself, in a sense. Or pieces of myself, which are nonetheless critical to me developing as a person on the whole.

I've given up the mob. Like a lot of people, I just couldn't stand the social scene. Some of you are probably wondering, I never really got into it in the first place. That is true. Like Tesla, I've become kind of a harmless eccentric, withdrawn from society, but at the same time, painfully aware of it.

Political ranting, as everyone may have noticed, has been reduced to a bare minimum as compared to my earlier days. The days of civil debate are over anyway. 2006 will be a continuation of 2005 where Liberal is a dirty word, and one side of the debate will always attempt to shut the other down, rather than listening to the varying opinions of others.

I'm rambling again. I apologize.

Too much talk about me. Now, for you. There have been many new visitors to my blog this year. I can only wish that you have felt either one of two things when you visit here. Either A) Entertained, or B) Enlightened in some way. I hope to continue writing this little... saga, as long as possible, with it being a combination of my fascination with public writing, and also my outlet for when things are either bugging or entertaining me.

Things I have contemplated adding to this blog include sound clips from my infrequent jam sessions on the guitar, regular (three times a week) photos and illustrations, or perhaps something along the lines of a podcast, etc. I'd say I have options on the table, but I actually have no table, and I'm just pitching ideas out of my ass right now.

Now, for my bit of vague prophecy for the next year...
It's very likely that 2006 will be the uphill haul from the black hole of 2005. People will wake up and realize that they've just spent an entire year fucking around, and nothing has actually been done. I think there will be a major shakedown in both Canada and the U.S. with regards to the government.

I also have a sneaking suspicion that sometime in the coming year, there will be a period where nobody will hear from me. Normally, I leave all the lines open, but 2006 will be a time for cutting free. And by cutting free, I mean filing that cell phone over the side of a bridge and never looking back.

Happy New Year, and I hope everyone enjoys their over-promoted leap-second.

Time, for flying rockets, for silver jets, for surfing boats.
Surfing on a Rocket...

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