Sunday, December 11, 2005

Crooked Crooks can't be Criminals, so they become Politicians

For those of you outside the country, Canada is on the campaign trail towards an election.

For those of you inside the country, we're fucked. If you haven't turned on the tube recently, let me fill you in. None of the main parties (Liberals, Conservatives, NDP) have offered anything tangible in terms of spending or platforms. Harper is pining for the traditional definition of marriage, Layton wants there to be umpteen billions of dollars pumped into education, likely at the expense of other programs, or another ungodly leap in taxes.

Martin is just hoping to whoever's listening that he'll be elected again.

I can guarantee you, regardless of who you vote for this election, you'll be losing out. I know some of you will vote Conservative, because you're under the idealistic notion that they will somehow "keep their word." These are trained politicians we're dealing with here, ladies and gentlemen. They'd tell you that your royalty to get your vote. None of them are to be trusted any further than you'd trust a fox in a henhouse.

Some of you will vote Liberal, simply because you're afraid of the Conservative's right wing policies. Bad idea. The Libs have been in power for a long time now, and I don't think they even really have a plan anymore, besides seeing just how far they can roll this trainwreck of a federal government.

Some of you won't vote. Which is your right, but in refusing to vote, you also lose the right to bitch about what the government's doing.

Some of you will be voting Green. Well, that's awesome. But I think it's a little late for that.

I don't know who I'll be voting for. I don't think it matters. None of the leaders have visited Alberta, likely because it's such a homogenized voting body. The Conservatives don't campaign here, because they know they've already won, and the Liberals and NDP won't touch Alberta, because they know, shy of crossing the floor, there is nothing that they can do to win anymore seats here.

Well, that's my one and only political rant for this season. Back to regular programming.


D. said...

I don't know if I agree that not voting means you lose the right to bitch about the government.

Voting is mostly a joke anyway, as you just more or less said yourself.

all these candidates do absolutely nothing for me, and the fact that one of them is using the idea of "traditional marriage" for a platform is just plain fucking sad.

At this time I still think the idea of voting green is the best. and why not? as you said "it doesn't matter" so why not show the big three that they are useless and your eyes and give a vote to a group that gets little attention from the media.

Trevor said...

Voting is uselss, but in the end i have the same view. If you dont vote, you didnt add your two sense so you should complain. Its like winning the lottery you dont have a chance unless you buy a ticket.

All politicians are liars and thiefs, so you have to pick the lesser of them. My strategy is vote for the party you know wont get in that way you atleast did your part to send a message to who ever wins the majority governemnet, that things need to change.

Iam debating about going green. In the end this election is nothing but a waste of tax payers money, ten to one the same outcome is going procur anyways.

The part that pisses me off is population dissbersment, by the time Eastern Canada finishes voting the decision is already made, Technically western Canada has no real chance in effecting a federal vote anyways.

This marriage shit is bullshit, Governments should have no legal right in governing that. Marriage is strictly related to religion, thereby making the religious leaders the decision makers on the topic, not some fat cat. I thought the government allready passed some law about that? so whats there discuss its done.

I also heard one of the parties promised to lower gst to 3.5% ahahhahahahhahahahha if you believe that your a idiot. Just like when good ole Jean took power of the liberals and promised to abolish it all together.

In the end were all fucked eitherway was the coin falls. Atleast maybe it will be less painful if some of us put some thought into who to vote for.

Geoff said...

Agreeable points gentlemen, with one contention from Trevor.

If marriage was strictly related to religion, then nobody would get married. It's a dual ceremony, with the wedding done by a church/sect, and the marriage contract and property division established by a government representative (usually a public lawyer).

Given how much dirts been slung on marriage lately, I think it would be better if both the government and the church took their mitts off of it and left it to the professionals. ie. The couple wanting to be wed, and their trusty guitarist.

"By the power vested in me," *bweeeeow*

D. said...

Yeah I really don't think marriage has much to do with religion (some people don't like the though, but it's true), and should have even less to do with the government.

Also, I still don't buy the "you didn't vote, so you can't complain" stance.

Of course I can, and I will.

You guys just admitted you see these guys as crooks and that none of them are fit to have the job they are fighting for.

And picking the "lesser of them" is even stupider than not voting at all in my opinion.

I'm not throwing my vote at anybody because they are less of a liar than the next guy. That's fucking stupid.

If you honestly feel nobody in the running should be your prime minister or represent your people, then it makes abosolute perfect sense to me to not vote at all.

Why give support to people who don't deserve it.