Monday, November 21, 2005

I'm Sorry?

I don't seem to recall this happening in World of Warcraft.

I mean, there were a few intense quests, but I don't seem to recall there being an elite quest for rogues leaping from balconies. I think the parents should take a closer look. Leaping from balconies is a very common form of suicide (I know, I don't like it any better than you), and maybe the young lad just didn't have the will to live anymore.

Blaming a suicide on a videogame is a stretch to begin with. Blaming someone leaping from a balcony as influenced by a game that involves no such mandatory action is just plain loco. I would shrug, but the sheer absurdity of this lawsuit would probably cause me to break my shoulders.

It's the Blame Game, I guess. But I think they'll have trouble selling that one to anyone except money-hungry parents and bloodthristy lawyers.

1 comment:

Trevor said...


Just like the lady that sued McDonalds because she burnt herself on coffee that was hot... go figure.