Thursday, March 31, 2005

Reading Glasses

I got my optometrist to check me up yesterday. Nothing spectacular, besides my usual farsightedness over par (20:10 vision up to about 4 feet in front of me). I got my reading glasses adjusted, so they fit my rather crooked nose.

Reading, however, is something that I haven't been doing a lot of. I've chewed through about every book in my house worth reading (some more than once), and I've realized that my choice genre for books (fantasy sci-fi) has run about dry for stuff that interests me. Maybe its time to get into the political literature?

On top of that, I'm increasingly having to deal with self-absorbed twerps who think the world revolves around them. Call it a byproduct of freedom, but when trying to deal with people like this, it's impossible to hold them accountable, because they have the freedom to just "walk away" from something they don't like.

On top of that, we now have religious figures in Canada railing against equal rights for homosexuals. When confronted by those of equal or greater zeal than themselves, rather than hiding behind their considerable blanket of religious morals, they instead claim that it is their right to free religion that allows them to hate a minority group. Be that as it may, the choice of religion is a personal one, but once somebody takes that, and espouses it as if it should be law, that is no longer just freedom of speech. That is a broadcast, and the content of the message can be subject to anti-hate laws, and civil suits citing libel or slander.

All high and mighty, these people make my feel like I should don a white gown and crow from the top of a chapel: "I'm the Queen of France!"

And when somebody comes to call me down, I'll verbally assault them until they leave me alone.

Or perhaps, people should just keep their opinions to themselves, and keep their egos in the closet, rather than their sexual orientation. I look forward to the day when being an arrogant asshole is less fashionable than being a homosexual.

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