Wednesday, March 16, 2005

The Puppeteer has ditched the Puppets

So, the Bush administration has finally decided to dispense with the middleman.

This is bad news for the media in the US. No longer are local news stations in control of what they put on the air... they don't even have the option of whether or not they air the government's broadcasts. This, of all things, is a violation of a free and seperate press. In light of how Fox News has been a little cheerleader for the Republican Machine in past years, I can't say that the change in business is too drastic, just overly disturbing.

Bush's departments have told news stations to ignore the memo saying that this, of many things, is unethical, atypical, and infringement. I don't know how many stations will or won't abide by the admin's orders. If I've learned anything, it's that American citizens have a tendency to be unpredictable... you never know what they will choose, even if it goes against common sense and logic (I'm not saying that's a bad thing, eccentricity has its time too).

In the meantime, I will continue watching this story out of the corner of my eye. That, and how Wolfowitz does on his doomsday nomination towards the World Bank, and possibly the fiscal collapse of the modern world that follows as the US tries to pay off its debt from the pockets of its debtors.

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