Tuesday, March 01, 2005

Dusty Brown and Grey

What with all the warm weather we've been having, Alberta's been showing it's dusty side. All the snow melting has exposed all the gravel in the city of Calgary, and with hundreds of thousands of vehicles driving gravel into asphalt, it's no wonder the city was blanketed in brown all throughout the weekend.

A lot of people have been complaining about how dry it is in Alberta, but considering that the entire foothill region can, and often does, desertify, dry and dusty air is nothing new. Especially considering that 1900 to 2000 was the wettest century on record (including the dirty thirties), an extended dry spell is not to be unexpected, if not wholly welcome.

I'm tempted to design a method of travel that uses wind power, and many small wheels, to move quickly over dry, dusty grasslands. Nothing quite tickles my fancy like moving fast without moving at all.

Pictures will come later, see ya all later.

1 comment:

Ravuya said...

Downtown is built on an old flood plain, as a result Calgary has the most miles of drains of any city in North America. So if you plugged them up and it rained.. well, you'd be able to take a boat to work.