Tuesday, March 08, 2005

At Odds with Oddity

I often think to myself as I'm walking among the well-adjusted, how little I fit in with anything. This might be a side-effect of being an individual, something that is often sought after and desired, but often, the side effects of the end result are often somewhat less desirable.

No sooner to we arrive at our own opinions, then we are told to clam up and be quiet. As a member of a democratic society, I am told to only voice my opinion when it matters, in the form of a vote, and then I am to be silent, keeping my peace, as it were, leaving matters to those who know better.

Such, is tyranny.

I must always sacrifice some of what I am, for the sake of still being an accepted member of this society. There are those who don't have to, for wherever they go, they have followers, friends, and family to support them. I would not. I am not of a mind to surround myself with people who worship me. My friends follow their own paths, and my family is almost as alien as strangers most of the time. I must speak in the most basic terms to be understood.

To be blunt, I am somewhat of an oddity.

So how does one escape being different, without losing bits and pieces of themselves? How does one abandon the individuality that is so desired from birth until death?

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