Saturday, September 16, 2006

Excuse Me

Goddamn it's cold outside.

I just hiked for an hour and a half to get home from the bus station in rain turning to snow, with the wind blowing in my face. My poor leather jacket damn near froze and my toque, socks, and pant legs might as well be well used towel for how much water they've soaked up.

Anyway, just thought I would share this little bit of misery. I'm currently thawing, waiting for the water to boil so I can make some hot chocolate. Maybe you all got a kick out of it, but I'm just going to sit here picking the icicles from my nose.


Jennifer Turek said...

Snow?? In September? ... Brrrrr ...

Trevor said...

It’s like that here to, downright miserable. I was driving home from my cousins birthday party last night at around 11pm and it started snowing, then it stopped, then it snowed really hard, then in stopped and just rained. Weird. I thought for sure id wake up with a blanket of white covering the land. But nah, its just rainy and still miserable out.

E said...

Snow in September? How north are you, mistah Raine?! It's 70 and sunny here!

Geoff said...

It's via my proximity to the much coveted mountains that I get snow. North of us was enjoying balmy temperatures and rain while we got snow and frost.