Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Good News

Two bits of good news to share with you.

The first is less important. I got hired for a job out in a town called Drayton Valley. That means I will soon be moving, and taking up a career-esque job. To answer the most common questions I've gotten about it, it's about a half-hour southwest of Stony Plain, I'm not excited (but rather relieved) and I already have most of my stuff packed/in storage.

The second, and more important bit of good news, my friend Ravuya has completed his latest creation, a game called Glow. You can pick it up here. I recommend reading the little manual he's laid out first, before diving into the game. Zombies and guns galore, it's possibly one of his finest creations.

Other than that, I have little else to say. Other than I'm likely going to purchase a new computer soon.

1 comment:

D. said...

As I told you. I think we'll all have to meet up somewhere eventually. Even if to just see a movie or whatever. It might be cool. Perhaps a little awkward!

Also that is a damn cool game. Once I get used to the controls I am going to be a master! it's like gauntlet mixed with robotron, with...ZOMBIES.