Monday, September 11, 2006


Today is the anniversary of an event that changed the face of the world and brought the terrible reality home of just what kind of a wretched thing humanity had become.

Yes, today is that day.

It is my sister's birthday.
Quake in terror.


Stephanie said...

Thank you. For refraining from writing a rant.

I don't think I could've handled a third I HATE AMERICA AND ALL AMERICANS.

Shit, people!

Geoff said...

What, me rant?

I should also note that today is the first anniversary of my cousin's wedding.

In light of everything personal to me, I prefer to think of September 11th as a happy day, regardless of what happened elsewhere.

Trevor said...

"Thank you. For refraining from writing a rant.

I don't think I could've handled a third I HATE AMERICA AND ALL AMERICANS."

Haha, Steph. American are alright… well some of them…well atleast I know of one :)

Raine, How old is your sister? Is she hot????? Post some pictures hahaha I’m kidding or am I.

Yeah Sept 11 is a happy day, that is until you give into any form of Media, then your reminded instantly like a stake through the heart. Still though life goes on which is good thing.

Geoff said...

"Raine, How old is your sister? Is she hot????? Post some pictures hahaha I’m kidding or am I."

I'll let you go this once. But bring up any joke like that again, and I'll claim your shins as book ends.

I'm kidding.
Or am I?

Hehe, seriously, you probably don't want to have anything to do with my sister. 1) She's crabby all the time. 2) She's way too young for you. 3) Ew.

Stephanie said...

hahahaha, "3) ew."


Maybe she's constantly PMSing. ...That would suck so bad.

Does she have any girlfriends?

Geoff said...

No, she's not PMSing all the time. She has lots of friends, both guys and girls.

But she was raised and is very much like my mother, who is very me-centric, and throw a fit everytime something inconveniences, bothers, or just plain annoys her.

apples said...

It's also the birthday of a friend of mine.

We had a friend who lived in the US for a year, his b'day was July 4th and he got loads of fireworks for his day (and Independence Day but who cares..)

Five years ago the first friend exclaimed "hey, fireworks for my b'day too!"

D. said...

hey post some hot nudes of her anyway. come on man.

what!? woah woah.

PS. fuck America.

Geoff said...

That's fucking disgusting man. Absolutely fucking disgusting. Words beyond expletives fail me, its so bad.

Fuck America? Fuck YOU!
