Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Roots

While we were driving home from Banff, I laid out across the back seat, and looked out the window upside down. The effect was strange. It's like the whole world is upside down, and the only thing to keep you from falling into the sky is the seatbelt around your waist, and should it fail, your last ditch would be one of the spindly trees - upside down they looked like roots - that lined the road.

I'm curious what it would feel like. Falling down into the sky. Would it be like falling into a pool of water? Would it be a paradox?

Another anomaly I found, if you stare at the sky long enough, it doesn't look blue. I guess that's the difference between illusion and reality. One fades under scrutiny.


Stephanie said...

Sort of related: During long car rides, which means any car ride with a duration of at least 15 minutes, I look out the window and stare into the clouds. I often see faces. Sometimes they pop out at me like the images do in those weird posters (the ones you have to look at just right). That happened today and it was the most serene, beautiful face I have ever seen. My eyes lingered for several seconds before glancing at my iPod (probably wondering what the hell song was playing). Of course, when I looked back the image was gone.

Trevor said...

Lucky, anywhere I want to go I have to drive myself, no faces in the clouds for me.

I used to do that allot a few summers ago. We have a habit of not cutting our grass for months at a time so when it get really shaggy, laying in it staring at the sky was a pretty decent pass time.

Also nice pic Raine, anymore?

On a side note, your comments haven’t been working the past few times I’ve visited maybe its just me, but it used to just load a empty black page, but I guess they’re working now which is good.