Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Proof that He does not exist and/or is asleep at the wheel

I was a letter away from posting a very angry and perhaps unfair statement yesterday.

I'm not going to go into too much detail here, as it's a pretty personal matter. A dear friend of mine is facing a life-changing prospect, and I felt nothing but anger towards the circumstances I keep seeing levied on people who really don't deserve it.

Matters of faith aside, I really had to stop and think that everyone should have a right to live. The concept itself is simple, but when you think of the people out there, who debase their own goddamned existence by the things they choose to do and say, it's... well. It's a little hard to accept that they should be allowed to keep breathing and breeding, when somebody who's made something of their life isn't afforded the same luxury through some bizarre occurrence.

In any event, I'm more shocked by the good then the bad. I've become weary of the tragedy, so please, don't hold it against me if I don't break down or apologize every ten minutes.

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