Thursday, April 21, 2005

Moderately New Stuff

I've put some MNS up on the side of the blog. Had to chuck a bunch of old blogs and stuff, because nobody was updating them anymore. Instead, I've got a fresh new list of blogs that I read regularly, and some online comics below that. Now, I'm not responsible for who says what on the blogs I link to, nor am I responsible for the content on the comics. I'm also a poor beggar, so if you're going to start suing people, keep looking.

Otherwise, enjoy. If you regularly read this blog, and think you want me to link you , fire me an e-mail. Those of you who were familiar with Mr. Good's site know the procedure. It's a shame he took it down. We had a community going there, and it's all gone now.


Anonymous said...


Geoff said...

Yes, suing. If somebody linked to a site that they didn't like via my blog, it is common practice to sue everyone involved. However, many lawyers recommend only going where the money is... and there is no money to be made by suing me.